WhiteWalls ss_blog_claim=0715ad90bc7bfcde32c3d390e1f6ea2d Just A Thought: Being Content

Monday, November 24, 2008

Being Content

Phl 4:11 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

Ha! That's a good one right? Being content no matter the circumstances! - who ever heard of something that crazy? I have.

My life has not been easy, and you know what? I don't mind that at all. But at first I did; I complained about everything that happened in my life, always questioning God. "Why God Me? I thought I was a good person, a good Christian, WHY ME?" That was my constant prayer.

When I came across this verse, that first paragraph was a constant thought of mine. Along with: "Its inconceivable! No one can really be content in the circumstances their in. No one."

After some growth, and A LOT of prayer I learned to really grasp this verse. I love this verse. It's an awesome reminder of what my attitude should ALWAYS be. If you wish to know more about me here is my testimony.

I want to ask you this my friends: Do you find yourself thinking: "Why Me Lord?", do you find yourself complaining about the circumstances you are in or going to be in (money, health, etc.)?

Let me remind you of this: God working in your life, so that He might work through your life. Also remember Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose.

Do I still struggle with being content no matter what? Of course I do. But I have to remind myself constantly that there is a greater purpose to what I am going through.


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